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<div>Last week was crazy for me with family so sorry for the clues in a row! I haven't seen you guess quite yet either....Emily and the Gareis Girls - Maggie, Bailey, Laverne & Gracie</div>
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<div>Clue # 6 - You are fond of a certain color</div>
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<div>Clue #5 - Someone who is pretty dang famous was born in the town you now reside in </div>
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<div>Clue #4 - One of yours celebrated a B-day in recent history</div>
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<div>Clue # 3 - You have 2 less Hounds than We - and they are the opposite sex to boot!</div>
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<div>Clue # 2 - you are from a place that has a famous hotel that I stayed at last year and loved....hint - it's rumored that it is haunted......o</div>
<div><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" style="background-color: transparent;"></font> </div>
<div><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" style="background-color: transparent;">Clue # 1 - According to Mapquest I can actually take I-80 all the way to you - a mere 36 hours and 41 minutes and <span class="altItemTitle"><span class="distanceText">2474.98 miles<font size="2">! </font></span></span></font></div>
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<div>And MY GUESS - I think I got it and I SO THANK YOU for feeding me the BIG bread crumbs because up until I read this clue I was CLUELESS!!</div>
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<div>Marsha, Milton & Rufus - could you be my secret pawtner?</div>
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<div>Just googled you .... you must be very flexible! - I am a yoga instructor!
<div>Marsha, Milton & Ruffus</div>
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<div>OK.... this is our next clue and it's really and easy one! </div>
<div>SP, you live in the buckeye state! - And I do live in the Buckeye State!</div>
<div>Marsha, Milton & Ruffus</div>
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