<p dir="ltr">#4 Something in your state has the wrong type after it's name<br>
How can you call yourselves that, if you do not have the same?</p>
<p dir="ltr">#5 Your state capital is also one of what mine is too<br>
That may not have made sense, but its a clue</p>
<p dir="ltr">#1 Hi There SP how are you doing this afternoon<br>
Hopefully you won't be able guess me too soon<br>
You and I share this number in a few things<br>
Betcha can't wait for what the next clue brings</p>
<p dir="ltr">Clue 2:<br>
Good evening SP, it's the Caspaw Cwew again<br>
Tis a fact that We, and you is Facebook Friends</p>
<p dir="ltr">Clue 3:<br>
Here's a flash of little known news<br>
You live on the hypotenuse </p>
<p dir="ltr"> <br>
Mr. Shannon R. Gerdel<br>
3583 Meadowlark Drive<br>
Casper WY 82604<br>
<a href="mailto:bassethoundbutler@gmail.com">bassethoundbutler@gmail.com</a><br>
<a href="tel:%28307%29%20797-6041">(307) 797-6041</a><br>