[Dailydrool] Slow boat from China ARRIVED for the BoardWaddle. Very, very special sale item....and you gotta come to dinner!

bassetslave bassetslave at comcast.net
Tue Apr 15 21:10:56 PDT 2008

MOOOOOOOOOOOOO. It is me, Cakie. Working my pawsies to the bone supervising 
the slaves (So what if she does it wif her eyes closed....Nudgie) as they 
get stuffs ready for the BoardWaddle. They are sweating just a little bit 
less cause the slow boat from China (really fast jet) has finally arrived!! 
Cause they ordered something made back in early January that was promised 
for the beginning of March...but apparently the factory closed for a Chinese 
New Year howliday, then they didn't get to it, then the factory folks didn't 
answer the representatives in this country, and they still shorted the 
order, but.....after much begging and a few sniffles...THEY ARE HERE!!

PENDANTS. Each one features a beautifully cast in pewter head study of a 
basset on a big, bold stone cabachon. Elegant, each one 
different.........they are pretty stones set in sterling silver with a bale. 
She slave hand picked each and every one from bins of hundreds that she 
rejected, to make sure the basset would sits pawfectly. There are a total of 
20, er 19, after she slave picks which one she is going to buy. (Heck, there 
has to be some benefit to doing this....first shopping)

There are round ones, oval ones, square ones, triangular ones.....black, 
blue, pink, green, goldstone, coral, rainbow (oh, Auntie Jackie..RAINBOW) 
.....a few are similar but none are exactly the same! Each will come with a 
black necklace that has a sterling clasp.

They are as individual as your she slaves! Think of em as signature pieces 
to be worn forever...and the only way anybody gets a crack at em is in 
pawson. They are much too individually unique to put on line....the 20, er, 
19 will debut at the BoardWaddle Pawction dinner at the very modest price of 
$55 each. My she slave will be very surprised if there are many left after 
that...and is willing to take video if Auntie Deb and Auntie Cyndi feel like 
wrestling for the same one!

Rumors that the Pawction dinner sales team might accept bribes in the form 
of pledges to shop for folks....are greatly exaggerated. Mostly by me.

Now keep your pawsies crossed about the slow boat from India that repawtedly 
left TODAY with another nifty item promised to arrive on April 23.

Cakie, GM 01, Basset Hostess
BoardWaddle with me and King George, April 25-26, 2008 Oshun City, New 
Jersey to help the Homeless hounds of Tri-State Basset Rescue
DON'T FORGET TO BUY A SHIRT!! tristatebassets.org/boardwaddle
STAY TUNED for an on line preview of PAWCTION ITEMS. Auntie Bonnie is 
working on it and will tell us when she is ready so folks can send Auntie 
Kathy Riker the BIDS!

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