[Dailydrool] Drivers Ed

Kristin Mielke kristin.mielke063 at sympatico.ca
Wed Apr 23 17:09:49 PDT 2008

I had the "pleasure" of registering for Drivers Ed today.  I am 33 years 
old.  All other registrants were half my age.  I am phobic about driving, 
but have managed to safely run the Basset Mobile arround town while my 
mother or husband sits next to me. ( I have a learners license so this is 
okay here)  As I forked over the 300.00$ to take this insidious 3 hours of 
required instruction all I kept thinking was that if I pass the exam June 
1st I will be able to drive to the Boardswaddle next year.  The thought was 
the only bright one in this most humiliating experience.  So unlike my 
classmates who are learning to drive so that they can go out on dates and 
look cool, I am learning t drive so that I can drive my Basset arround town 
and through the social season.  If they only knew LOL.
Thought you all could use a laugh at my expense..
Drool to all who have sick houndies, or who have suffered a loss.
Hope you all have fun in Atlantic City!
Kris  (God this has to be the most embarassing thing I have had to do in the 
last 10 years)
Hushy (I like it when Momma drives the BUV, we always get to go somewhere 
fun like the doggie park or Wendy's, or Tim Hortons, or the Petco, or 

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