[Dailydrool] Miss Angela weighs in

bjenk1 at cox.net bjenk1 at cox.net
Thu Aug 14 10:14:06 PDT 2008

Bill here, press agent/personal trainer to Miss Angela Basset, Droop and Drool Diva of Wichita and Sedgwick County

On subjects of recent discussion on the Drool, Miss Angela offers the following observations:

On whining on rides:   "I personally whine when the Angelimousine pulls out and I am NOT included.  I love to ride when the weather allows the windows and the sun roof all to be open.  I whine only occasionally and usually, just for effect.  It is a sort of basset equivalent to "Are we there yet?"

On taking pills: "Bill thinks he has me fooled but I just cooperate to keep him placated.  He uses a half a wiener, sliced up into about five or six pieces.  He puts the pill in the end piece and pushes it down where he thinks I don't know it is there.  Then he sits down, gets me to sit and begins to feed me pieces.  I admit that I do get going faster and faster so that I lose track of which piece the pill is in.  Then, far too soon, he runs out of pieces and I realize that he snuck another one past me.  Oh well, the hot dogs are good.  Of course, I get the light hot dogs to help keep my girlish figure"

On cats:  "I think Bill is thinking about getting me a kitten.  Uncle Don had a little cat show up at his house in the country.  It is a tricolor, just like yours truly.
I had my normal curiosity about cats, so I saw it laying on his porch and walked up to investigate.  Unlike other cats which either run off or spit, hiss and claw, this cat calmly held its position and let me sniff it.  If it gets box trained, freed of parasites and gains enough weight  to be spayed, I may let it come home to my house.  Bill is not so sure, but I think it would be interesting.
I'm all for diversity."

On Susan Randolph: "We owe Susan a lot because she has helped Bill with my publicity.  She published my Bassetude 101 lectures and one of my past exploits (though not a very dainty one) in her book  You Had Me at Ahroo.  Now she is ill and we are working up a shipment of concentrate, high potency drool.
This heat makes me drool and the young women who walk or jog in our neighborhood make Bill drool."  

On dog diets:  "Bill explained to me that the food I like is not the best for me because it has grains and other non meat items in it and I should have better stuff, not so much plant material.  I countered that he had tried to get me to eat green beans, pumpkin and other plant materials and I had refused.  Wasn't that enough?  Can I help it if I have plebeian taste?"

Well, that's all because she dozed off and began snoring loudly

Bill (gotta go type a syllabus, my class starts in a week)
Angela (sssskkkkkknnnnnnnxxxxxxx)

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