[Dailydrool] Momma went ober da edge
BasetSavr5 at aol.com
BasetSavr5 at aol.com
Tue Aug 26 15:21:36 PDT 2008
Dis Brudder Elwood. I bee a finkin me Momma needs sum help. She like go
round da bendz dis week, gotz da headbone in da tailpipe, summfin. She habbin
nerbz, Brudder Elwood herez to tell all da peeples. Momma like da fruut loopz.
Momma she normal pretty good, but dis week-she hab whut she call da nerbous
break to bitz. I tellz you da story.
1. She gotz Sister Casey. We all knowz dis, but Sister Casey she a holdin
her own, dis good rite now.
2. Da nice yeller dog cross da street whut Momma watches, he go to da
bridge. Momma berry upset.
3. Den dere be da fite. Dis whut heppin. We all out dere in da yard, Bro
Jake he a smell summfin, he gib da dirts a big paw, he do da sniffy. Here com
Brudder Bob. He seyz whut ya sniffin?? Bro Jake seyz dat be me sniffy, Brudder
Bob seyz I sniffy, ob course it heppin. Da Bro Jake he push Brudder Bob, grab
da ear, Momma go wild. She grabbin da collarz, da furcoats, she yellin, she
haulin Bro Jake in da home, into da cage, she in da full roar nowz, Ob course
Brudder Elwood try to helpz, she git mad bout dat too. She git on da
tellyphone, do da whine to her buddy, I be a watchin, why she jus ober da edge now.
Brudder Elwood seys Wooman, youze need to chill, dis be nuffin, we allz gonna
squabble, we dogz, do you furgit dis todey??
So Bro Jake he com to Momma sey he sorry, he tell Brudder Bob he sorry, an
we go to beddie. Brudder Elwood why he almost fankful dat dey be done. We all
a hopin dat Momma git da headbone togedder wif sum sleepz.
Todey it be better, but Sister Daisy, she no eat. Momma gotz dem eyebrowz
all togedder, and she gib sister Daisy liddel lunch. Brudder Elwood no git none.
4. Sister Daisy she git sickie. Why dat lunch come out da blowhole all ober
da place, realz fast. Herez we go agin---Momma on da tellyphone, Jake git in
da cage, she seyz Brudder Elwood git in da cage, I teke Sister Daisy to da
Brudder Elwood seyz-ain't gonna git in me cage.
Momma seys git in.
Brudder Elwood seyz-AIN'T GONNA HEPPIN.
Dis could be liddel misteke on da part ob da brudder, I furgit da Momma she
ain't stablez.
Why she git da leash, she seyz wordz we no print, she gotz me by da
neckbonez a draggin me an da next fing I knowz why I in da cage, I kinda sideweyz,
why I lookin at da roof.
5.Sister Daisy tellz me bout da trip to see da Doc, whut be a newbie dere,
an he kinna scared of Momma, ae we unnerstand dis, she ain't rite. Dey gib
Sister Daisy da pictures of da belly, dey gib her stuffz wif da needlez, dey gib
Momma meddycine, dey say Sister Daisy gotz bellyache. She come home, we git
out ob da cage.
6.It be dinner time, we all a tellin Momma hurry up, we hungries, Elder
Clara. well she go out dere in da yard and do da unload to meke roomz fur more
and she com back in. Brudder Elwood seyz, oh man I no believe dis-Elder Clara
gots a nice fresh turd a hangin frum da tailpipe. I see dis-Elder Clara waddle
cross da kitchen, da turd plopz on da floor an da Momma whut got no shoes on
da feetz stepz rite on da steammy turd an it squish in her toebones. Dis
might be whut dey sey-da last straw.
Iffin youze all gotz a wordz of da wisdomz, you all tellz Momma, she needz
We send drool to all in need
Debbie Winchester
Official Food Slave and Drool Mop Queen to
Bob, Casey, Elder Clara, Daisy, Jake and
Brudder Elwood OEBE
Instigator of Evil Deeds
Virginia Beach Basset Hounds
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