[Dailydrool] We brought mom a rabbit....

Heather Davis heishmanh at hotmail.com
Fri Dec 19 08:29:55 PST 2008

OK...the story of the rabbit show made me laugh and Ben thought I needed to let everyone know of Molly (Basset) and Sophie's (German Shorthair) Early AM surprise..
Last week in the friged IA morning..Molly and Sophie go out for there 3 am potty (they like to wander the fenced in yard and usually they like to spend more time out there then I want to wait up for so I'll go back to bed and wait for Molly to cry to get back in, then I'll go and shut the door and get her back up). ... we had a fresh snow that night too...well they went out, and Molly cried to get back in..I put my foot down and felt something hard, furry, and wet/stiff, They had been taking Ian's toys out and it really felt like his giraffe so just as I was about to yell at them for taking it outside when the little voice in my head reminded me it was in his crib...so, what am I stepping on?...I turned on the light to realize it was a rabbit - next thought is it dead, mamed, or still alive? Yelling for Ben, holding off the two girls who were like "YES! we can see him again and mom approves"back, Ben asks what he should do about it.. HELLO, check and see if it is dead or not first..well he picks it up and a leg is missing.. Still don't know what one did it but Molly ran right back outside nose to the ground like "Let's find anotherone"... 
Heather - The things that happen...Ben- Why is the rabbit in the bedroom?
Ian - (Who is the soundest baby sleeper and never moved)
Molly - I Know were they live..
Sophie - Can we do it later in the morning next time?
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