[Dailydrool] Weatherz
BasetSavr5 at aol.com
BasetSavr5 at aol.com
Sat Jul 19 13:51:13 PDT 2008
Dis Brudder Elwood. We meebe gittin summfin called weatherz. I seyz it be a
rainin, whut morez a comin? Da Momma she be a seyin she gotz to doublez
checkie da hurrycanez supplies agin, an meke surez all fings be rite. Brudder
Elwood seyz whut dat fing be, a hurrycanez? Da Momma she tellz da brudder dis be
awfulsz and da windz and da rain an we gotz to be ready. I seyz you means like
da biggie blow an da waters all rounds? Momma seyz why yes Elwood, you be
smart boy. Ob course da brudder sayz why dat like libbin herez ebbry dey wif
Elder Clara, she be windbagz dat pee on da floor. Momma gib me da mean eyeballz
when da brudder seyz dis. I be only tellin da truf. So she go bout checkie
da paperz, she checkie da meddecinez, she seys okey we checkie fur you
doggiez, Brudder Elwood seyz iffin we be a moobin I git me toys. Momma seyz we no
moobin, but we gotz to hab da planz in place. We be ready cause dis be da
seasonz. I git me toyz. Momma seyz 1 toy. I git me toyz. Momma seyz no Elwood 1
toy. I git me toyz. Brudder Elwood he be finkin da Momma be missin da point. I
no go nowherez wifout me toyz. Brudder Elwood gotz him work cut out fur him
wif da Momma on dis.
Den it happin.
She git all moufy wif da Brudder and seyz dat iffin we ebber hab to leab da
home cauze ob da weatherz, she gib all ob we summfin called tranquilizerz.
Seyz we no knowz we be gonez till we git dere. Momma seyz wif my mouf she putz
me in da trunk.
Brudder Elwood seyz I git me toyz---
Drool to all in need-stay safe and we sure need a better upcoming week than
last--Janice, Ester, so sorry for your loss-
Debbie Winchester
Official Food Slave and Drool Mop Queen to
Bob, Casey, Elder Clara, Daisy, and
Brudder Elwood OEBE
Instigator of Evil Deeds
Virginia Beach Basset Hounds
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