[Dailydrool] The "Red Zone"

Esther Strom esthermstrom at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 7 09:32:27 PDT 2008


What medication do you give Clara during storms? My parents, who live in Hurricane Central (SW Florida) recently adopted a basset with severe storm phobia. The vet gave them some kind of medication, but it apparently only works if given well before the storm starts, which isn't always possible in the land of sudden thunder.


Esther Strom

----- Original Message ----

The Red Zone--I read this phrase in one of the posts--and do believe I 
could make a sign that says this and post in the front yard. 2 days of 
rain, storms, thunder, buckets of water. We all know what this means-20 wet 
paws, soaked bellies, wet dog smell---and Brudder Elwood. Those two words should 
be enough. He is bored silly. Elder Clara is still smiling and in another land 
from the calming drug I gave her last night. She was about to vibrate to death 
from the on going storm. Daisy is glued to my legs, also afraid of storms, but 
nothing like Elder Clara. Casey could care less-EXCEPT--for Elwoods sudden 
interest in Ol Bob. He has irritated Old Bob until if I were Bob, I would just 
let him have it. So Casey has now noticed this new attraction, and decided she 
needs to take some action and protect Bob. Elwood landed in the cage for that 
round of action. Elwood has hauled toys out the dog door just to see me chase 
him. I shut the dog door--well of course he peed on the floor and gave me the 
"look". My fault. The backyard looks like a war zone-my dish towels are out 
there along with wiping towels-he drug them out thru the mud. He is so quick, so 
bored, and is trying all the tricks he can think of. My dinner was snarfed off 
the counter, and right now going back to work tomorrow is beginning to look 
good. Elwood says I am only telling one side of the story-I told him to make the 
house payments and he can have a say.
The Red Zone--yea, I can relate.

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