[Dailydrool] Zelda, and MomPerson

Kay, Nancy K *HS NKK3U at hscmail.mcc.virginia.edu
Mon Jul 28 16:30:45 PDT 2008

I am so sad that Zelda's day finally arrived, though I know I should be glad that she's relieved of suffering her "head problem".  My heart goes out to all the Szatons, pups and people, too.

Bev, you are such a wise MomPerson -- I don't know how to tell you how you have influenced my world-view, particularly as it pertains to Bassets, but also as it pertains to just "life".  I appreciate your openness, your frankness, your knowledge, your common sense, your sense of humor as relayed by Da Boyz, and most of all, your ability to tell us all that Zelda's time was up but that is was ok.

Thank you.

Rest in peace, dear Zelda.

Nancy, and Sarah and Frank

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