[Dailydrool] Tucker Update

Karen sparks_red at att.net
Sat Jun 7 07:54:22 PDT 2008

Well we saw the vet yesterday and the x-rays. It is more than likely his back.  He has two bone spurs at the sacro-iliac joint.  They look like evil looking claws pointing in different directions.  I am not sure at this point what we are going to do, though it does create a scare in me.  My Katie (ATB) had a bone spur (this was 10 years ago) that we didn't find until she became paralyzed.  Dr D. said no jumping up or stairs at all, so we are in training and he is not a happy boy about not getting to set on the couch with me or in his favorite chair.  Not to mention that his counter cruising days are done...that is going to be the hardest one.  The good news is he is moving better now and his gait is more normal, but he is starting to protest jail.  So the steroid injection is working.  
Anyone had experience with this?
Droolz to all the sick houndies and their slaves,
Karen and the Dog House Gang
Ruby Doo, Tucker, Abby, Sadie, and Cuddles
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