teh3505 at aol.com teh3505 at aol.com
Thu Jun 19 04:34:56 PDT 2008

This subject title is going to get ugly, but before it's get shut down I would like to express my opinion.

Every time I have seen a post to transport a dog across the wonderful country we live in I always ask myself WHY?? Why would a rescue spend such resources on a placement with the price of gas at plus $4.00 a gal. When that money could be used within the rescue to support the hounds needing homes within their own state.? Now I understand that the people donate their time & gas to deliver the dogs, but it's a huge waste of resources.? Now as far has who has control over someone falling in love with a hound?? I'll tell you who does, YOU DO, as the rescue you set the guidelines.? I contacted the Caroline Rescue and told them I love of the hounds on there web site and then told them I was from Michigan, and I was told, "NO, we don't send our dogs our of state", and that was the end of that!?? Maybe if people adopted within there own state, Rescues like the Ohio Basset Rescue won't have so many dogs waiting for a forever home.? We adopted a Basset from the Michigan Basset Rescue on December 20, 2004 and was very happy with the process and steps taken to ensure their dog was placed with his forever home.

Well, that's opinion and I sticking to it.

Trudy H
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