[Dailydrool] Jacquelyn says thanks

Donna Lindy dlindy at mac.com
Thu May 1 17:28:31 PDT 2008

Jacquelyn Baker emailed me and asked me to please
thank everyone for the get well cards and pictures -
they really boosted her spirits! She's still not up to
being on the computer or keeping up with the Drools,
but wanted me to express her deep gratitude for
the caring and concern of so many basset friends.
Her recuperation has imposed some limitations on
her that she's not used to, but she's finally starting
to feel a little better. . . maybe we'd all better send
some more drool her way and get her back on her
feet as soon as possible!

Donna, drool fueler for Elmo, Pw Pauline, Gracie and
Pw Bosley, missing Dudley ATB

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