[Dailydrool] Nigel and Mr Cooper's Walkies!

Kay, Nancy K *HS NKK3U at hscmail.mcc.virginia.edu
Thu Nov 13 16:36:44 PST 2008

That is so scary! Thank goodness you had Nigel and Mr Cooper with you!  I firmly believe that these houndies (you, too, Cooper Dear) can sense bad intentions. Their love for us, the honorable slaves, would give them the where-with-all to save us from a Bad Situation. I hope the cops find the creepy guy and can charge him with something.

Sarah and Frank are both wary of someone they don't know.  I have let them out from behind the doggy gate a few times over the years, when there's been a creepy repairman visiting or a wierd stranger at the front door. They go ballistic barking at strangers, and sometimes, that's perfectly fine!  I make sure I say to not pet them since I'm not sure what they might do -- which is totally nothing, in reality, but they have big-dog barks!)

Nancy, and Sarah and Frank, Home Protectors Extraordinare

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