[Dailydrool] More dwool on da way.

DDropp at aol.com DDropp at aol.com
Thu Nov 13 18:58:43 PST 2008

Weww, da Dad tewws us dat weez needs to do more dwoolin, as der be more  
hounds what needs da dwool.  Ms. Penny needs it for her test comin back on  
Monday.  Hopes it tewws da vets what be wong so dey can fix it.  Den  der be poor 
Watson what be hitted by a car.  Gwad youz got no big owies,  but weez dwool dat 
youz widdwe one be ok an youz be wunnin wound weew  soon.  Den weez be 
dwoolin for Joey an himz wimp.  Weez boff dwool  hard dat himz no needs dat spensive 
operation, an wiww heaw wiff out it.   Wastwy, weez hopes dat da foster what 
got hitted by da car an be at da bwidge be  enjoyin da big buffet up der, an 
noze how he be missed.  Weez hopes dat  King George's gwammie be ok.  Weez gwad 
dat da Bwudder be feewin  better.  
Ben  an Charlie
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