[Dailydrool] PetiPaws

carolynmitchell at ns.sympatico.ca carolynmitchell at ns.sympatico.ca
Thu Sep 11 10:08:54 PDT 2008

Just wondering has anyone tried the petipaws and if so what you think of them. It is supposed to be a nail filing tool that dogs like.
I am having a rough time getting rex's nails at 80 plus pounds if he don;t like it , it does not get done. I have half the front done only because when he snores I sneak up on him with the clippers he he he. Hubby wanted a muzzle so we could control him while we cut them UMMMMMM not happening to my Rex aka LiL Foot. Now the boss LiL Miss Daisy Halo is small enough I can flip her have her head between my legs and cut them no problem. She does not like that but at least I can control her and she can not bite me when they get cut.

Just wondering

Have a great day!


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