[Dailydrool] Lovey Lu

bassetslave bassetslave at comcast.net
Fri Sep 12 10:53:03 PDT 2008

Knock it off, feyfey! The slave is busy writing reviews and doesn't have 
time to take dictation. What? Rare bearded basset arrived? Lovey Lu? You 
sniffed her to make sure she was a basset? Yes, I know, Taco WOOF Bell 
sniffed her when I was off having my puppies. She was soft and fluffy and 
very basset. Of course she gets a spot at the buffet!!

Feyfey is clearing a section of the buffet that is currently covered in 
bread. She thought Lovey Lu might like a nice cheese plate. Just for her, 
but since nobody should be left out that required a truckload of cheese! 
Everybody is happily having cheese with their bread..and some whine. Queen 
Ethel says she knows Lovey Lu and that they will be good friends. The 
telescope is on, so everybody in New York State start waving! She is sorry 
to have left her pawson, but is having a good time...and if you notice one 
embroidered pillow missing, well, it might have gone with her.

...and Nudge...I sniffed Lovey Lu the day I was kingyeahright
...and Taco WOOF Bell...me too! 

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