[Dailydrool] Basset puppy, born deformed, in need....

BubbaDoggInc at aol.com BubbaDoggInc at aol.com
Fri Sep 12 17:50:53 PDT 2008

Carolina Basset Hound Rescue has taken  in the most adorable little 10 week 
old girl basset that was born without joints  in her back legs and hips..... 
just one solid bone in each back leg. She was  turned into a shelter where she 
was picked up by one of our volunteers before  she could be euthanized  due to 
her severe deformity. She is the darling of  our rescue and the bravest little 
girl you ever saw. She is our featured basset  of the month on our web site, 
CBHR.com, and there is a movie of her in motion.  Her spirit and determination 
have made us determined to do all we can for her.  She waddles around on 
those little legs and plays with the other foster doggies  like there is nothing 
wrong with her. 
      We have set up a Firstgiving page for her to  help with her medical 
expenses from all basset lovers. She will capture your  heart in an instant. If 
you are able to help out our little Frannie, we would be  most appreciative. We 
have 63 additional dogs in foster homes at the present  time with shelter 
calls coming in every day. The vets feel that she can have a  good quality of 
life with treatment. We won't give up on her because she doesn't  give up on 
herself. Please help us give a wonderful life to this very deserving  little girl. 
The Firstgiving page is:   _http://www.firstgiving.com/dottiemorris_ 
Our web site : CBHR.com

Mom to: "The "Ratboyz"

Rusty Simon (Waddle King 2007)
Elvis Ray (the Wild  Child)
Chetty Cheese (I rescued myself)
Sam the Man (our foster)
Sweet  Bubba, ATB

Carolina Basset Hound  Rescue

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