[Dailydrool] The Nose Knows

Sandi Wittenberg sandi at redbaybassets.com
Thu Aug 13 18:13:51 PDT 2009

In 1990, I was the assistant principal of an inner-city junior high school.
Although we were in a tough inner-city area, the vast majority of our kids
were good kids with tough lives, being raised by older siblings, aunts,
grandparents etc.  We got an unconfirmed tip that a particular boy was
smoking marijuana after school.  We wanted the message to get out loud and
clear that this behavior was unacceptable.  I had a 6 month old basset puppy
at the time, so I brought her to school.  We put a SMALL piece of McD's
hamburger in an empty locker, next to the suspect's locker, on the third
floor.  Then I started walking the halls with her.  Kids, of course, we
totally smitten with her and asked lots of questions.  One of the kids asked
if she was a drug dog - I answered non-committally and proceeded to the
third floor (having to carry her the last set of stairs).  When we got to
the third floor, she made a beeline to the McD's locker (one of 100 or so
lockers on that floor).  Well .. let me tell you, at the next change of
classes there was a lot of locker activity and toilet flushing going on.
>From then on, Abby came to school on a regular basis to patrol the hall -
and I can guarantee those kids thought she could detect drugs, tobacco,
alcohol and PlayBoy magazines!


Sandi Wittenberg & The Red Bay Gang

Grady, Hoagie, Johnny, Norm & Opie

sandi at redbaybassets.com





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