[Dailydrool] From Daphneyland - A Home for the Holidays

Marie28443 at aol.com Marie28443 at aol.com
Wed Dec 9 06:07:10 PST 2009

I thought I'd share Dawn's latest email.
So many emergencies have been focused on in the last few months, that I  
proudly share with you a feel good, what rescue truly means, tear jerker  
story.  Grab a Kleenex, a warm cup and your honey and read along.....
2007.  15 year old basset taken to Camarillo shelter - owner had died  and 
the family could not take.
Unadoptable.  15 years is old for anyone, yet this hound had been  sadly 
neglected for some time.  Gray hair, bad teeth, abscesses and cysts  galore.  
Junior came to the ranch.
Every day with Junior has been a blessing.  Always happy to greet you  with 
a kiss and a jump.
Working on health issues Junior blossomed.  His coat came in - black  and 
sable.  His cysts removed and the ones left shrunk and are barely  noticeable.
As his sight worsened with age, his energy level grew.  Junior  blossomed 
at the ranch.
Potential adoptive families would ohh and ahh - but then the age question  
came up - 15 years old, then 16 years old..... 17 and now facing 18.  18  
years of absolute glory.  The Ranch hound our Junior.
Today an email - we are facing bad weather coming in, had snow yesterday  
and its below freezing - the email said
"I have Gina and Trapper and I adore them - I want to give a home to a  
senior - I can have 3 - thus I would like to adopt Junior to remind me how 
young  my 8 year olds are." I had a simple response - come on up.
Upon her arrival this afternoon we couldn't find Junior..... well of course 
 not.  Junior was napping in front of the dryer, smart senior gent that he  
is. Everyone knows a senior is the best EVER, Seasoned to perfection.
Rita and I were able to stand together and cry as Junior, tail flying high  
took shotgun position in his new carriage and zoomed off the ranch.  He's  
just an unadoptable dog.
Just an 18 year old hound who scored a Home for the Holidays.
May your home have a perfectly senior hound to season the holidays  with.
Dawn and all of us at 
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