[Dailydrool] deer Nooooooooo

Claudia O'Neil mouse1 at wk.net
Mon Dec 14 10:31:15 PST 2009

sumtimes r mom hab no sinse of humum either.  but u can cum lib with us iffen u want.  we have an acre ob woods to run and pway and chase skwirls and throw sticks .  but there is a fence around our woods so nutting can get us while we pway.  
winston,sadie, sir henry the bloodhound
Dis Noooo.  I in need ob A #1 Tornee.  Momma sez sumpin bout 
tyin me leggeez togedder an stappullin me mouf shut an hangin me
by da earfwapz.  Herz sez wurdz me nebber heared befur in me life.  
What da pwobbem wit dis ole wooman?  I fink herz habbin nerbus bweakdown.  
Mabee it hermoanz?  

What do heck so speshul bout herz Mudd shoes?
Well cept dat da lether tasty.  Why herz needin dem bazebell capz.
Why herz hawdly ebber wear dem.  Juss cuz herz cleen da bedroom
doesn't meen dat me no can redecorate it with peezeez ob farwood.
Otay I ammit dat puttin me scent on da bed wuz a wittle much but her 
no can teke a joke?

Juss why can't me chaze da catz?  It not like I gonna eat dem or 
sumpin.  Not me fault dey not no how to play.   Why me ebbin  git in trubble
fer bitin Sadie Maye on da butt.   It not like she no hab a big tushy.  I 
juss wanna help her git rid ob sum.  Did Sadie Maye git in trubble
fer startin a fite wit me. NOOOOOO. (oh wate dat me name).
 Dem gurls juss spoil'd rotten.

oopsss off to jail again....
Noooo ob The Dog House Gang
Can me sue fur name callin????  
Bwahahahahha Bwahahahahaha can't wate fur da tree to go up.
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