[Dailydrool] basset habits--all true, gross and funny in their own way

Heidi I Sarver sarvermb at UDel.Edu
Wed Feb 25 13:45:36 PST 2009

Right--too much sadness!!!  In an attempt to break the trend, some  
humorous "bathroom" chatter:

Buford, OEBE Garbagemeister Extraordinaire is completely mesmerized by  
his butt.  In fact I do not believe the even thinks it is part of  
HIM!  Buford believes his butt is a vending machine---here's why:

Biscuit goes in mouth;
Poop comes out butt;

See?  A vending machine.

And as if my neighbors didnt' think I was weird enough:  I am not  
kidding when I tell you that I walk behind him with a plastic bag  
resting AGAINST his rear legs and under his butt (because 10 years old  
or not Mr. Buford is FAST!)   And when I catch the dispensed morsels  
the bugger loses his mind!  He walks around in circles trying to find  
his "treasure" because he KNOWS it should be on the ground and can't  
understand why he cannot find it.


--heidi, buford, della and guinness the cat

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