[Dailydrool] "Pet Safe" Snow Melt

Marilyn Briggs marbriggs at att.net
Thu Jan 1 15:57:21 PST 2009

Help !  Has anyone used the Pet safe Ice Melt?  It costs twice as much (or more) than the regular stuff which I don't mind (I do, but I'll pay it) if it really is OK for bassets and it WORKS.  I use regular snow melt out front (Utah has the greatest snow on earth you know-- our state slogan). We go in the car to the gully to walk every day through the front yard-- I don't mind washing all the 12 doggie footsies once a day-- 
The BACK yard, however, is a different problem. Eaves kind of drip right where the dog door is-- so Olympic Ice Rink to go pee. I sprinkle bird seed on it sometimes--bird feeders are close by, so I already have the  mess-- but that isn't very effective. The Pet Safe stuff says it is made of "crystalline amide core infused with special glycols" which doesn't sound that great to me. One place on the internet said the pet safe stuff is made with Urea, used in fertilizers. Yuck. -- If anyone has used it and it works and thinks it is OK, please let me know. If you have any "greener" suggestions, I would really appreciate it. 

Marilyn Briggs 
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