[Dailydrool] Was Today "Vomit Day" and no one told me?? (not a pretty post...do not read during meals)

Heidi I Sarver sarvermb at UDel.Edu
Thu Jan 8 15:17:18 PST 2009

So who did it? Who came up with a new "holiday" called "Vomit Day?"   
Because in this house THAT is what we're now calling yesterday-----

First Della decided to belch hard and loud enough so that her entire  
kibble breakfast came forth in one GIANT lump (it had already  
absorbed breakfast water and expanded)--but that was ok because  
Buford scarfed it down.  Then Buford decided he needed to be part of  
the "party" and tossed dinner up on the family room rug--nothing like  
partially digested canned food to really soak and ooze into the  
frieze carpeting.   And then Guinness added his dinner to the kitchen  
floor from the height of the kitchen counter--did he just feel left  
out or something??

They are all acting perfectly fine and seem perfectly healthy.   
Appetites are normal today and no additional vomiting has occured.   
I, on the other hand, am tired of cleaning!!!  GEEZ!!!!

--heidi (how many times to I need to break out the Steam Vac?)
--della (I burped and couldn't put the breaks on.)
--buford (needed to room for more treats)
--guinness (I got jealous, what can I say)

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