[Dailydrool] Mum's thesis

cpb112 at 2access.net cpb112 at 2access.net
Fri Jan 16 18:45:46 PST 2009

Dear Miss Penny & Miss Polly

I emailed your mum offline to let her know I would be honored to help but
it may not have went through so will you please tell her this 28 year
somewhat battle-scarred veteran educator(High School no less), as well as
slave to the 18 month old "Wild Child of Zenda" Samantha Josephine, looks
forward to hearing from her please?  I have visited your web site and you
are two very beautimous  houndettes! LOve and snooter kisses and stay warm
 and get well and heart healing drool to all(it is -4 here in north
central Ohio and Sam is wrapped up in blankets on the couch)

Paula P

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