[Dailydrool] Poopsnickles and Rotten Roopertz
basetsavr5 at aol.com
basetsavr5 at aol.com
Mon Jan 19 15:14:51 PST 2009
Dis Brudder Elwood. Doo youze remember when Ol Rotten Roopertz done ate dat fing dat him?Momma nebber figured out whut it wus??? An him doctor hab to open up da bellie and go rite in der and git it????
Gud. Keep dat in youze mind. Da Brudder gotz liddel storie. Go head, sit on dem haunches, earflaps up.
Brudder Jake discobered poopsnickles. Nebber eatz one meself, but boy he like a recycle moochine. So, las week he be out dere an it realz cold, but Brudder Jake-he gotz liddel smartz, he go out dere git him a snickle, bring it in da home. Yup he do dis. I seez him. He take it ober to Elder Clara's perch, he grab it he shake it an why it com a part, an dere bee liddel pooper pieces all ober her beddie. He grab da big chunk--it one ob him own poopz-he layz da load iffin youze know whut I mean-an he grab dis, shake his headbone, an throwz da snickle chunk rite up in da air. Momma seez him dis time, Elder Clara now on da alertz, she ober dere a sniify her perch whut nowz be cobered wif da meltin snickle chunks, she screamin at Brudder Jake, Momma now a trompin on in dere, she seyz now whut dis bee?? Well, Brudder Jake gotz summpin. He not a gibbin dis up. Momma git da treetz, git him away. Momma dat still not a unnerstandin da sitteation, she grab da snickle chunk. Suprise, suprise, suprise. Gomer Pylez seyz dis--kinnder fitz da moment don't ya fink?-and she gotz da snickle chunk in her hand, well, Momma lookie, and dere be dis fing, it round like a quarter, it be plastic, and it gots two fings a stickin out ob it an it smashed wif poop. Yup it done com out Brudder Jake's tailpipe. He gots dool tailpipes fur dis to go on out da rumpbone. It be big, why Brudder Elwood herd him ober dere a gruntin da odder dey, by I nebber fink dis--
Otey, back to da storie.
Well, Elder Clara she now a roarin, her perch cobered wif meltin snickle, Momma habbin a fit cause she got snickle on her pawz, Brudder Jake yellin gib dat back, Brudder Elwood, he stey kool unner da pressurez ob da moment ob course-he jus watchin. Momma start a cleanin up da mess, oh, da wordz she be a seyin. She git Elder Clara perch in da washin moochine, gib Elder Clara nudder blankie to shut dat one up. Brudder Jake he go outside, bring in nudder poopsnickle. Dat one mus be a Elder Clara snickle. He take one bite and he shake him headbone and he spray da whole place wif da snickle snackies.He seyz dat one gotz bad flabourz-?I was a finkin Momma gonna kildt him rite den. He go into da lockdown.
I seyz he berry lucky cause our furbud Roopertz git stuck in da tummy.
Brudder Jake seyz it gonna snow tomorrowz and he gonna hab a nodder snickle snack.
Dis gonna be gud-Brudder Jake a snackin and Elder Clara gonna need tow truck when she git stuck in da yard--
Brudder Elwood gonna watch dis-
Drool to all in need
Debbie Winchester
Official Food Slave and Drool Mop Queen to
Ol' Bob, Sister Daisy, Brudder Jake, OEBE Elder Clara - Queen of Farts,
Brudder Elwood OEBE
Instigator of Evil Deeds
Virginia Beach Basset Hounds
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