[Dailydrool] Buford and Della were warm and cozy...

Heidi I Sarver sarvermb at UDel.Edu
Thu Jan 22 08:42:06 PST 2009

Thanks for the shout-out Joanne about the UDMB being in the Inaugural  
Parade.  I've been so busy with preparations that I've been barely  
skimming the Drool these last few weeks.

Yes, the momslave to Buford (OEBE Garbagemeister Extraordinaire) and  
Della-Ware was down in DC for the big shindig with my 300 other  
"children."  I considered getting US Secret Service Credentials for  
Buford and Della but since they don't have Social Security numbers  
Homeland Security would not clear them.  I suppose it's just as  
well....I've been out in the cold before but this was NUTS!  So the  
babies were all snuggled up at the vet's office (I board them there  
and they are spoiled rotten when they stay!) while the momslave  
paraded past President Obama and Vice President Biden.  All in all,  
pretty surreal!

Drool to all in need, snooters to the whole list!


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