[Dailydrool] Our Atopica Experience

savethebassets at yahoo.com savethebassets at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 10 02:40:40 PDT 2009

We have a Stella too.  A sweet girl with lots of life experience that was found wondering the streets.  She had a horrible skin infection which obviously had been there a long time and her skin was almost blood red and she had chewed off all the hair on all four legs.
We can't go back and undo what our rescues have been through but can only move forward with a plan to make them as well and comfortable as possible.  Stella was put on Atopica as well as Cefalexin and it did take away the chewing/itching.  She was also put on a grain free good diet.  Four rounds later of the Atopica and it is the same situation - she is fine while she is on it, starts the chewing/itching three days after she is off.
The vet I trust the most says it is an excellent tool to use but is extremely expensive (about $200.00 per month of daily usage) and does not cure the underlying problem.  In our Stella's case, she is near the end of her life so it is a matter of keeping her comfortable and happy.  I am still searching for that tool that will keep her comfortable and happy without doing any harm and is cheaper than Atopica.  I am the type of person who would rather solve the underlying cause than continuously treat the resulting problem.  With our Stella, that does not appear to be the practical situation for her. She has had no ill side effects from the drug - the capsules are huge so I bury them in some wet food and put it on top of the dry food and she usually just gobbles them up.   I think we may have to keep her on an every other day dosage - time will tell.
Hope this helps and good luck with your Stella!

Pam Farris
Basset Rescue of Florida, Inc.

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