[Dailydrool] dog hair

Tina Zantrofski dzantrofski69 at comcast.net
Fri Jul 10 03:44:51 PDT 2009

Carolyn, I had to laugh at your post about resigning yourself to the fact
that you will always have dog hair in your food and cups.  The other night I
cooked dinner for my son's new girlfriend, nothing fancy just spaghetti and
homemade meatballs in the crockpot. As I was sitting down to the table, what
do I see but a dog hair sticking out one of the meatballs in the bowl in
front of me!   I was mortified!  Luckily no one else saw it and I
nonchalantly added that meatball to my plate before anyone else saw it !  My
dogs or my kids, I don't know which is driving me crazy faster.. !!  Lol..



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