[Dailydrool] Evil Annie's toad

Marsdoxy2 at aol.com Marsdoxy2 at aol.com
Fri Jul 10 06:44:37 PDT 2009

Hubby cut the grass out back yesterday and I am sitting on my patio ad I  
see Evil Annie playing with something and running around the yard, so I know 
it  isnt a baby bunny this time, so I call Annie up to the patio,   Mommy   
' drop it  Annie "    " nope "   mommy,  " oh Annie you are such a good girl 
"  cough hack ,  
" give it to mommy "    " nope "  " let mommy see  "   " nope "  "ANNIE !  
open your mouth now "   " nope "  mommy  "   mommy will give you a treat 
goochie goo "  " you tell me that all the time  mommy, I know you are lying "  
Mommy  " if I get up out of this chair,  your ass is grass , now give it to 
me "    " nope "
' WHACK '   on the headbone give it to me  !  " OK she gives mommy the  ( 
TOAD )  still alive !  so we go together and put it in our garden !  " Oh 
Thank You  Annie you are such a GOOD girl, then mommy  chokes again !!!  Annie  
jumps the fence in to the garden looking for her toad,  mommy grabs her  
collar and says "  Annie if you get that toad, I am going to rip your head  
off and splatter your brains all over the back yard "   Maggie  Wags,  " Annie 
has brains ? "   where dey at moms  ????
Marlene   mommy to Maggie Wags,  ( my Angel )  and Evil  Annie  ( we are on 
border patrol again looking for more toads ! ) 
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