[Dailydrool] dog hair

Reed and Becky Pomeroy rebec at execpc.com
Fri Jul 10 06:47:57 PDT 2009

"I honestly give up. If someone is coming over I give it an extra
good cleaning other
then that I am determined dog hair in the cups
and food is normal and that I will
never see the end of it until
there are no more dogs and I move to a retirement home
LMAO one hopes
that never happens
Even then their will still be hair on my clothes

One of these days I am getting myself one of the
T-shirts that have 3 condiment shakers on the front, labelled
"salt", "pepper" and "dog hair".

crazy basset lady

Please take time
to visit these websites: 
Rebec Bassets at 

Basset Buddies Rescue, Inc. at www.bbrescue.org 

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