[Dailydrool] imprtant grand marshall stuff

Bob cowbobdog at gmail.com
Fri Jul 10 08:20:38 PDT 2009

hey eberyone it is only one week till I am a grand marshall and I need to
make sure to arrive in style with lots of pledges

so iffen you can help out with even 5.00 that would be way way kewl

we can take paypal to cowbobdog at gmail.com  we can take a check made out to
Oregon BAsset HoundRescue

and we have a way kewl firstgiving page at

small rescues really depend on small donations cause there are less big
donations so please help the west coast hounds of oregon get
there forever homes

King Bob the DOg, Jasmine, Lenny & Lexie

The Life and TImes of Ben G Meyer

Bobs store  www.KBspecialties.com
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