[Dailydrool] Dog memories

Drew McQuade dpmcquade at verizon.net
Fri Jul 10 09:37:05 PDT 2009

<<Now I know she had abuse issues in the past but I thought dogs live
"in the moment" and had little if any memory.>>

I know the behaviorists will tell you this, but I don't believe it. When, 
four years later, our Belvedere met the people who first owned him, he 
ignored them--a classic sign of avoidance. If he only lived in the moment, I 
don't believe he would have done that. I'm sure he remembered them and 
didn't want to see them again.

Our Alexis never forgot her original people. For a long time after we got 
her, she'd try to go to vans and trucks. I think she wanted to go home. And 
she never thoroughly bonded with us, though I think she got used to being 

On top of that, Abner has clear memories of the painful things that happened 
following his back surgery.

Dogs may not think the way we do, but they can have long memories, in my 
experience. I wonder about the dogs those behaviorists have dealt with. Were 
they just dumb? Are bassets the only ones who do this?
Pam, with Drew, food slave to the thoughtful Dashing Bassets 

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