[Dailydrool] Dog memories

Karen sparks_red at att.net
Fri Jul 10 12:37:35 PDT 2009

I agree with Pam our furkidz have memories. Nelly Belle has been with me for 9 months.  
On our walks or in the pet store if we run into someone who has
been drinking alcohol she cowers, pees and tries to get away to hide.
Loud noise from something being dropped still scares her into hiding.
If I raise my voice (rarely happens) she will run and hide.  It took her 
months before she would let me rub her head (she has a suspicious
scar on her head). 

Ruby Doo took months before she let mourning since February. 
(She is doing better since Bazzle has rejoined our home.)
She also knows where Tucker's urn is and when I take it down to dust
the high boy she will sniff and lick it.  It has been almost 5 months. 

We send drool to all in need.
Karen and The Dog House Gang
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