[Dailydrool] Another part of the story...

toppogigio at yahoo.com toppogigio at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 10 10:32:42 PDT 2009

Not too long ago, a Drooler posted a YouTube video about the Colorado Animal Rescue Express transport.  In the version we saw, there was a Basset named "Pete".  I happened upon the video again yesterday; it was posted on one of my beading networks by one of the kind souls who drives part of the transport route. 

Here's "the rest of the story...." from the lady who posted it to our site, "A Canadian in Kansas":

...the video with "Pete" the Bassett Hound in it... I have to tell you
about that day: By the time I arrived in Salina to pick up the rest of
the dogs in my run--I was wall to wall crates-- Pete's spot in the van
was a sliver of floor space right in the back corner due to limited
space and he was only going the short remainder of the trip to Hays so
wouldnt  have been too put out for the rest of the ride. 

"King" a giant, emaciated Golden Lab was tethered in the
passenger seat and quite happy to do so.......thats the best seat in
the house because that "shot-gun rider" gets patted and talked to all
the way plus not having to endure the crate. 

No sooner did I get the van into gear when I heard a rumble
coming from the back corner of the van. I looked in the rear view
mirror and there was "Pete" up on TOP of all the crates ! He wasnt
having anything to do with this "back in the corner business". I was on
the ramp for the I70 and couldnt stop or do anything about Pete - my
attention went back to driving and merging with the traffic. 

Pete made his way to the front of the van via the top of the
crates and in no uncertain terms told "King" that HE was riding
shotgun. Naturally, King took issue with that and they grumbled and
mumbled to each other. I was ready to pull over onto the shoulder of
the road if things got out of hand but Pete finally gave up, walked
back across the crate tops to the middle of the van and sulked for
about 30 secs. then decided he wanted a "person" no matter what. Sooo,
he walked back to the front of the van on my left side and laid his
head on my shoulder and rode the rest of the trip like that. Soft,
smooth Petes face laying on my shoulder. I think I cried a few tears
over that boys special determination and love. 

BUT, there's more. Once I arrived at the transport meeting spot
and got Pete out to walk him he demanded to visit each and very dog on
that transport. Some were crying and upset. All are scared and unsure.
Some handle it better than others...

I swear ! Pete dragged me to every single dog - whether crated,
walking, being recrated in the CARE vans.......he pulled me until he
could get close to that other dog's face and he spoke "Pete" to each
individual dog. There was no sound. No voice that we could
hear.......but he spoke and they went quiet and were calm. Pete was
their ambassador and I do believe that he told each dog that it was
going to be ok. He reassured them and he would not take "no" for an
answer. He was Pete. He was absolutely MAGICAL.

Big sigh ~

I cried when I read her story about Pete....  I asked her if she knew what had happened after she dropped him off in Hays, and she said that he had a wonderful new forever family waiting for him, ready to take him to his new home.  I don't know if Pete's new family are Droolers, but if  you are, please let us know how Pete is doing.  He's a real "Angel in Disguise".

L.K. Metzler
San Marcos, TX   toppogigio at yahoo.com     "A dog wags its tail with its heart." - Martin Buxbaum     "If dogs could talk it would take a lot of the fun out of owning one." -- Andy Rooney 
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