[Dailydrool] Conley at the Show

bevzap at comcast.net bevzap at comcast.net
Mon Jul 13 06:15:23 PDT 2009

Brudder Conley wented to he first doggie shows. Dis are Nigel writin for he in da innerest ob xpeedancing ebberfing, whut wif his prollem wif vwls. 

Sadduerdae mornin MPerson gets ebberbuddy up at 4 in da mornin!! Whut she finkin, enyways. 

We all et an den she frowd da pupster inna Van an took off like shot frum gun. Whutebber gun is. 

Da show one hunnert miles away. Won way. She gotted losted onlee woncet on da way dere an dat a small lostest. Got dere on time an got da pup reddy an inna ring wround dey trots him an won udder puppy. Brudder Conley done good but got da red ribbon. MPerson ok wif dat  cuz Conley done a gooder job den she spected. 

Den she gotta fine da car keys. 

She lookee long time finely callt da DPerson tell he (a hunnert miles away) dat she dont got da keys. Den she look unner da coolerfing an fine da keeys. So she start home. MPerson got da norf, souf, ees an wess sense ob a brick. A dum brick. She getted loss. Ob Course. Aroun here dis may meen she endin up downtown in Sheekago. Not a heppy thot. Dere places dere you an youse puppy not wanna end up bein in. Dere places dere you an you AK-47 an a tank not wanna end up in. Soree dat da way it are. 

She finely got sheself ok an come home, slep all dey offnon. 

Day too. 

Same deel. Onlee dis time she teke da GPS fingy too. She an DPerson gots it all setted up. Gets reddy to turn it on she no got da cord. Brick. I tole you, Brick. 

Gets to show one hunnert miles away an Conley do eben bedder den da day befour but still gotted da red ribbon. MomPerson say dat ok he very liddel an skinny an he butt up hier den it shuld be cuz he at dat age. She say he gonna be ok lookin one day an den lookieout. 

She didint git loss comin home. 

Oh when he dere on Sunnydae Brudder Conley meke a fren. He want won ob he own now. He want a Leonberger. I finkin oh boy a big samwich, but he say no a big doggie whut he met whut he love. He say da Leonberger like he, too, an he want Mr.Cooper Sir to be upgraded, whutebber dat meen. MPerson say not on you life liddel dog. So you girl Leonbergers out dere watch out, da liddel brudder on da love path. 

Drool to Ebberwon what needs it, 

Nigel, Llewis an 

I Cnly 

I luv yu 

Luv, Cnly 
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