[Dailydrool] ear cleaning and not eating food solution

Cheryl Stafford cstaffordmail at gmail.com
Mon Jul 13 06:34:49 PDT 2009

I have a question regarding ear cleaning/drying.  I clean Otter and 
Radar's ears one to two times a week with a baby wipe and a little 
alcohol.  Otter head an ear hematoma up high on his ear so when surgery 
was done the vet had to do some creative stitching due to its location.  
This has caused a slight closing of his ear canal opening which 
restricts air flow even more.  It is now difficult to get down in the 
canal to wipe out his ear and the ear "stuff" stays very moist which 
means ripe for infection.  The vet says he doesn't have one just keep 
cleaning and get a drying agent.  Here is the question... if I put a 
liquid down in his ear will it all come out, or will it be trapped in 
there and create a problem?  He HATES any liquid put in his ear.  The 
drying solution the vet recommended is a liquid but if it won't come out 
how will it work???  I was also thinking of mixing the Blue Power 
treatment and trying that.  Any ideas?
Now the not eating.  My Malamute, Kita, who is 12 has started this not 
eating thing.  Had her checked out, no problems other than needing a 
teeth brushing.  She eats all treats offered as well as the "good stuff" 
on top of her food.  Vet said she can go easily 2 days without eating.  
I promptly told him "Not my dogs, we'd be at the emergency vet if that 
happened!"  Anyway I feed the dogs their eventing meal at 6 and if she 
won't eat I take it up and give it back around 8 which she usually eats 
then.  Last night however, she hadn't eaten breakfast or her dinner and 
had no interest at 8 either so her brothers were standing around staring 
at her and her food so I began to feed than from her bowl.  She didn't 
appreciate that and began to clean her bowl of ALL her food.  This 
morning she has eaten her food with Radar watching very intently.  She 
is a very stubborn dog and is not about to let her brothers, whom she 
tolerates, get anything that is hers!

Otter, Radar and Kita

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