[Dailydrool] Basset Bleu De Gascogne

Aryeh Meir ameir at shaw.ca
Mon Jul 13 08:28:38 PDT 2009

  Bassets Bleu De Gascogne are extraordinarily rare.  They're hardly 
ever seen outside France... and even there there are very few breeders.

It's funny that should mention the bassets bleu  because in the 
vancouver area we just had a basset meetup and lo and behold there 
was a basset bleu there!

we were all amazed, of course.  the owner said they're great dogs 
with a lot of energy but that he had looked hard for his(apparently 
there are only two breeders in all of england.

they all virtually all black and white... the black ticking is so 
thick that it gives the dog it's characteristic blue look.
there is always almost no tan though.... usually on the face.

i think there's way too much brown for maisey to be one... but who 
knows.. stranger things have happened.

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