[Dailydrool] Slobberfest update

Deb Good dlgood66 at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 13 08:25:24 PDT 2009

First and formost, I want to thank everyone who donated to our Slobberfest pledges.  Because of your generosity, Sean and Ana did not have to hang their tails in shame-we came in third place for pledge donations!  

It was a pretty warm day, but started out cloudy then turned downright nasty due to thunderstorms!  Thankfully we had a lot of tents set up and the contests went on.  Sean, who at home, will howl his fool head off on cue wouldn't make a peep in the howling contest and Ana looked particularly cute in her fairy costume.  Unfortunately, the Carnivore games had to be cancelled so the tents could be used to keep everyone dry, but we all had fun anyway.  The raffle was a big success so thanks to everyone who donated to that and also to those who bought tickets.  Big thanks to Judy who opens her home and her yard every year to this event. And big thanks to all the other folks involved as well.  A few hounds even got adopted on Saturday!

We spent a few hours at hospitality on Saturday (Kudos to Shirley for once again doing a great job with that!).  We met Brudder Elwood and his mom, Debbie.  (Don't let him fool ya folks, he's as sweet as they come!).  It was so nice to meet "new" people and to catch up with "old" friends.  We chatted with Dawn and Cakie and Petunia at the raffle table.  Ran into Amanda and Baby Ruth (who is somehow distantly related to Sean!).  We hung out with Kris and Susan and Susan's hounds Tanner and Sally.  We saw Ann Marie and Luke, Flash, and Lady Gwen.  (Thanks for helping with the Carnivore games-we need your help again next year!).  Despite the rain, all in all a great day!  As soon as I get caught up with things here at home I'll be posting pictures so be on the lookout for that.  Sorry if I missed anyone and again, big thanks to those who worked the event and those who attended.  Hope to see everyone again next year!



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