[Dailydrool] Slobberfest

bassetslave bassetslave at comcast.net
Sun Jul 12 20:04:31 PDT 2009

It is us. Cakie and Pawtunia......we had a good time this weekend. It was 
the first time our she slave drove just us girlies to Aunties Pat and 
Carol's house for the weekend. Usually she flies. Auntie's Amanda and 
Blondeslave were there. We fawgives Blondeslave for cooking stuff with no 
leftovers for us since she brought us whitebox chicken for breakfast on 

There were 11 hounds in the house. Especially our most senior Jamboree 
Hound, Cuzin Rosie. We likes her  lot. Last time mePetunia saw her  was just 
a puppy.....she was nice to us and let us sleep wif her. Which made the 
Auntie's happy. She lives with Bailey who grumped us, Samson who is cute and 
little Lucy who catches stuff. GM XB brought the Hug Monster. DollyRose was 
the new girl adopted by Auntie Amanda at the Freedom Fest and Janie and Babe 
were there. 11 Hounds. Just like our original home. Except only Rosie is our 
blood cuzin.

We got wet at Slobberfest, but got to spend time with  Chunkers.....and 
while Elwood was very good, he did have some sniffies with XB who he 
promised to leave for Chunky.......us surprised folks when Chunky went 
walkies wif us....not too many Gramma, mom, grandsons around.....we got pets 
and cookies and hot dawgs....and Auntie Angelika set up a camp where we hid 
under a tree with Elvis and Chillie and Chunky. The Droopy folks did their 
best in the flood.....at least it wasn't a mudbath. The sun came out and it 
was better. Ms. Brandy still hid in her van.

Us also saw Mr. writer Tom. He was snoozin. We knew how he felt. It was a 
loooong ride, but us hopes there were nuff $$ for the paw hounds.

Till next year......and why does she keep writing bad things about that 
pawlite Elwood guy.

Cakie and Pawtunia 

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