[Dailydrool] Da Brudderz Hot BUV

basetsavr5 at aol.com basetsavr5 at aol.com
Tue Jul 14 15:35:45 PDT 2009

Dis Brudder Elwood. Momma ober dere a cleanin da carpet, we gots us a butt scrape, it kinder look like Brudder Jake hab liddel turdball he rubbed on da rug, so I git ober here while da ol woomen be busy, I gotz liddel car storie cause we all a woofin bout dat rite now. It heppin dis weekend on me way home frum da Slobberinfest, whut yes, da Brudder be berry guilty ob a doin da sniify on Chunky's woomen. Youze know how dis go, she be dere, I bee dere, an oh, dat one SAAAWWWEEEEEETTTT!!!!
I git off da track dere.
Youze see it like dis, da Brudder lib loonng way frum Slobberfest, we go fur hours,days, meebee months to git dere. And Daddie git me new trablin crate, gots lots of whut he call ventalationz. Dat mean when da Brudder pass da gas frum da road food whut be wonnerful, da smell go all ober da BUV. 
I git off da track agin, dere be sum heaby words a flyin at da scrubbin spot ober dere.
Well, we git all ready to go back to me home. We leeb bout middle ob me sleepin time, cause Momma seyz we gots to git home, git thru dat tunnel unner da sea. I git in me crate. I snooze. Well, den dere be a screamin and yellin an I lookie an here be whut dey say a deerz a goin by da Brudder winder. Well Daddie bein da wheel man, he miss da deerz, Momma got dem jaws a flappin. We motor on, we go pass where Sweet Sarah and me bud Frank hab da home, I wavy me paw, beg fur help, cause now me Momma be a dribin and she gots da moochine in whut dey call fly. We be a rollin. Brudder Elwood a holdin on back dere. Momma seyz we gotz to git gas before we git to dat tunnel, I hearz da tink tink tink ob da turnin arrow. Meebe we git nudder white bag I wonder?? 
Well bout dat time I be a finkin bout a cheeseyburger, da big one heppin. Momma is a yellin-- he gonna hit me--
I lookie and close me eyeballz. 
Dis ain't gud.
Momma turn da steerin debice, da car go down in da grabel an da weeds, dis peepul whut da poleese be a chasin bout take me out inta da treez. Momma yellin real bad now, she yell me name, I back dere a bumpin round in me crate, prayin fur thumbz to help me hold on. Momma git me ridin moochine back out ob da weedz and da bad peepul skid da car an run ebbin faster. Dey got awey, an dis mite be gud cause Momma gots flames a comin out her choppers. Brudder Elwood got gas, and Daddie finally suckin air agin.
Now you talk but heat in da old BUV---Momma is a steamin, Daddie a checkin da Buv meke sure it be safe to go on, Brudder Elwood on da knobby knee gibbin meny fanks fur me crate dat keep me safe.

We git to me home. Ebbryfing otay.?Nudder trainwreck a waitin on da odder side ob da door. ELder Clara.Brudder Elwood ebbin glad to see dat. I gib her nice sniffy. 

An dat whut heppin. 
Drool to all in need

Debbie Winchester
Official Food Slave and Drool Mop Queen to
Ol' Bob, Sister Daisy, Brudder Jake
OEBE Elder Clara, Queen of Farts
OEBE Brudder Elwood, Instigator of Evil Deeds
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