[Dailydrool] Great Weekend in the Catskills

GalinkinSK at aol.com GalinkinSK at aol.com
Tue Jun 16 19:55:20 PDT 2009

This past weekend we attended the Trout Parade in Livingston Manor, NY in  
the heart of the Catskill Mountains.  We stayed along with many other  
Droolers at the Shandalee Lake Inn.  A perfect venue for the hounds.   We had the 
whole facility just for Mid Atlantic Basset Hound Rescue  attendees.  
Friday evening the early arrivers went to dinner at Buffalo  Zacks dog friend 
restaurant in Roscoe NY.  It was so much fun sitting on  the deck and the staff 
were so wonderful to the hounds bringing them a  continuous flow of water 
in what else but dog bowls.  We were all so lucky  to be passing around a 
beautiful 9 week old basset buppy Brandy.  It's been  a very long time since I 
was able to inhale buppy breath...!!!  When we  were leaving the restaurant 
another patron made the comment.."Oh are you here  for the Trout Parade?" 
Since this is only the second year the Bassets have  participated we are 
already a draw and are recognized as such.  
Abraham and Vivian got to meet so many new houndie friends and was able to  
see old friends as well...Hermy from the House of Puddles , Becky and Lilly 
 Majors, Charlie Sagen, Sirius Sacks Stern, Bonnie, Jimmy Choo, Dee Dee, 
Brandy,  Barney,Moon Doggie Family -Zephyr, Fred and Marly (I think), Jethro 
Bodine ,  Cooper and Buster Lema, The Fitch family  consisting of Columbo, 
Little  Stevie and Junior, and several others  that I just can't remember all 
their  names.  
The food was amazing and the staff was very very accommodating, even  
cleaning up some oops in the inn.  We also had a continuous flow of  
DEEEEEEEELICIOUS MOONDOGGIE Coffee.  It was always available any time of  day. 
We also had some excitement when at midnight I went to my BUV to retrieve  
Abraham's Belly Band ...I opened the tailgate and a 30 pound plus dog ramp 
fell  onto my foot ( I was wearing flip flops) expediting a trip to the 
hospital. The  initial diagnosis was soft tissue injury (my foot swelled up like 
a football)  .  After going to the foot specialist today and re-x-raying it 
they found 4  crushing fractures which now requires an immobilizer for a few 
 weeks..fortunately I have not had any pain since  and only had pain during 
 the initial drop onto my foot.  Both Doctors were baffled by that as I  
was.  So consequently Abe and I did not march in the parade but were mere  
spectators.  Again, the Bassets were a huge hit and the theme was Pirates  so 
all of the dogs had pirate costumes/bandanas and some of the humans were also 
 in costume. There are tons of pictures posted on Facebook for those that 
have an  account and can view them. 
 I have attached a picture of Vivian Kay Galinkin-Sagen.  It is  
hysterical...she likes to admire herself in my full length mirror at least 5  times a 
day...she is such a joy and such a phenomenal dog.  Probably the  easiest 
dog I have ever brought into my house...the transition was so easy as  though 
she has lived here her entire life...very much like when Polly Esther  came 
to live with us. 
Shelley, Abraham Ga-linkin, Owen, and Vivian Kay Galinkin-Sagen 
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