[Dailydrool] da Brudder

Heidi I Sarver sarvermb at UDel.Edu
Sat Mar 21 05:57:25 PDT 2009

Try Gorilla Tape---stronger than regular duct tape.  And when it  
fails to keep him still it will assist in entertaining you because it  
will be stuck all over him and he'll go nuts trying to get it off.  
And Elder Clara can sit an hee-haw to her heart's content!

Honestly I think you're in the same boat as I am:  Della jumps off  
the couch--by way of either over the arm or over the back.  Doc says-- 
stop her from doing that.  One day she'll hurt herself horribly.   
Yeah, ok...I'll install barbed wire around the perimeter of all the  
furniture, not a problem.

--heidi, buford, della and guinness the cat

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