[Dailydrool] brown armpits

Maura DeYong mauradeyong at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 5 11:11:10 PST 2009

I noticed on my senior female basset, where her teats hang down, that she would get a brown gunk on her skin where it wasn't easily exposed to air. Then, when I wiped her skin off, it would get red and irritated. 
I happened to try Doctors Foster and Smith Ear Powder on her irritated belly, and it worked wonderfully! I wipe off the brown gunk with a warm washcloth, and then sprinkle some powder in the area. It relieves the redness, odor, and keeps the skin dry and clean. I use it about once or twice a week, when she's getting a belly rub, I just put a little powder on the area and it takes care of it.  

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