[Dailydrool] Dog food brands

Reed and Becky Pomeroy rebec at execpc.com
Mon Nov 30 13:15:56 PST 2009

I do not wish to fan the flames of a dog food war (these break out from
time to time - what brand of food to feed can be as touchy a subject as
politics or religion) but I do feel the need to comment

There is no perfect food for every
basset.  Yes, some bassets are alergic to corn.  They can also
be alergic to oats, fish, sweet potatoes or whatever.  There is
nothing intrinsicly wrong with corn.  It's only a problem if the dog
is allergic.  There is nothing intrinsicly right about oats and other
high end ingredients.  Kind of like humans and peanuts.  Peanuts
are not evil, but a few people should avoid them due to allergies. 
Bassets tend to be easy keepers.  They usually thrive on any
reasonably balanced diet.  I have fed my showdogs Purina Dog Chow for
probably 20 years now and most of them do just great on it.  I have 2
that appear tobe corn sensitive, so I have those 2 on a corn free diet
which costs 3 times as much as the Purina.  I see no need to switch
everyone to expensive food for the sake of  10% of the
houndage.  Frankly, I can't afford to feed everyone a high-end food
and I'm sure many other Droolers are in the same position.  As long
as the food is from a reputable company and the dog does well on it, it's
a good food FOR THAT DOG.  Let's not take the chance of making
someone feel guilty for feeding a grocery store food if that's working for
their dog and they can't afford Wellness.  (Hey, I don't eat fillet
mignon every day.  Why should they??)

crazy basset lady

Please take time to visit these websites:

Rebec Bassets at 
Basset Buddies
Rescue, Inc. at www.bbrescue.org 

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