[Dailydrool] Texas to Daphneyland - landed

Basset911 at aol.com Basset911 at aol.com
Wed Oct 28 19:51:52 PDT 2009

Suz' foster girls; Nancy & Sophie arrived today after a luxury ride  from 
Texas all the way to California!
You may remember, these girls came out of the Texas puppymill bust of 500  
canines, and as they are a bit on the senior side (not as much as originally 
 thought however) they needed to find a rescue group where adoptions of 
seniors  is more common.
Suz and Holly Noelle did an AMAZING job with them.  Clearing skin  issues 
and waiting out heartworm treatments, getting them onto proper nutrition,  
teaching them to play with toys and socializing them to people - something 
puppy  mill dogs have a hard time trusting many times.  Suz, they are  
Volunteer of the year Linda Miller decided to have an adventure and flew on 
 out to San Antonio, rented a car, and arrived for an overnight with the 
girls at  Suz & Holly's home.  After a girls nite up all nite - a nap and then 
it  was time to hit the road.  Linda decided that the girls needed to walk 
on  the pampered side of life, and once it was discovered that Nancy LOVES 
full  length mirrors, they are the thing she comes out of her crate to gaze 
into for  hours on end, the trek from Texas to California included full 
length mirrors in  every hotel room.
Aunti Suz made sure the girls were well stocked, traveling with the charm  
of the stuffed armadillo, the girls had their food prepped, meds at the 
ready  and emergency supplies all packed up!  Linda drove them across leaving  
Saturday and arriving home in Los Angeles Tuesday night.  Linda kept the  
girls one last night.  Thank you Linda - your AMAZING!!!
On the way up to Daphneyland this morning, the girls stopped for a visit  
with Dr. Kim.  Blood panels, heartworm tests, eye exams - Nancy it is  
thought has glaucoma, they were petted and worshipped and then they  arrived.  
Walking very nicely on leashes, the girls entered the new intake  yard - 
Sassy's Memorial Forrest - and the wiggles started.  They hung  out in the yard 
all day - making friends with the ranch hounds thru the  fenceline, no shyness 
with other dogs - even Nancy!  Butt wiggle, spin,  nose snigg, tail wagging 
then a quick dart over to sniff a tree, dart thru the  agility tunnel - up 
on the padded futon to sun bathe.  They were  a  whirlwind of activity!
Finally it began to get chilly and it was time to come on inside.
Originally I had planned to bring the girls into the residence with me  
while they socialized - due to the fire and the delay in getting them here it  
appears that Holly Noelle and Aunti Suz did all of that already.  Tonight  
the girls are sleeping in the Daphney Suite on the trundle bed amidst  quilts 
and blankets (our temps will be in the low 20's tonight - time for  
quilts!)  They are snuggling with the somewhat gray faced girls - Peace,  Lady #2, 
Toby, and Maggie.  I think perhaps the special home made cookies  will be 
their bedtime treats tonight.  It's almost dinner and close down  time but I 
wanted to get the girls update out there - 
Next week will be soon enough to schedule dentals, spay and glaucoma  
treatments - tonight is snuggle time.
Come on up and meet our lovely ladies - the newest arrivals.
Looking to add grace and beauty to your home? These southern belles have  
charm a'plenty!
Come belly rub.
Dawn of the West
Slave to the Hounds - young, old and everything in between.
_Basset Rescue  Network Inc. - Nancy & Sophie need YOUR help!_ 
Basset Rescue  Network (Barni) at Daphneyland
_www.barniatdaphneyland.org_ (http://www.barniatdaphneyland.org/) 
661  269-2682

Rehabilitation and socialization of up to 100 basset hounds (and  some 
mixes) looking for adoptive families to live out their lives. Visit us on  the 
internet - or in Person! Public visitation hours:
Saturday & Sundays  11 - 5 p.m.
Directions are on our web  page.

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