[Dailydrool] Recalls or product problems and vets or pet stores

Pam McQuade dpmcquade at verizon.net
Fri Sep 11 05:46:06 PDT 2009

<<I have used Synovi G3 chews for several years to give the dogs joint 
support. I ran out recently and was having difficulty ordering it due to 
"manufacturing issues." I finally found a bucket at healthypets.com. 
However, I did mention this to the vet and they had not heard of any 
problems. Long story short, they contacted the manufacturer and learned that 
the FDA has shut them down. No reason as of yet as to why they have been 
shut down, just shut down, out of production.>>

I don't think companies actually advertise it to vets when they have a 
problem. Once or twice I have heard something on the Drool and mentioned it 
to my vet's office, and they had no idea. The only time my vet has posted 
something was about Heartgard, when some fake medication was packaged just 
about the same way. I'm sure they were notified by the pharmaceutical 
company. But when it comes to food products, I don't think the vets have a 
hotline to the manufacturers. Even the pet stores may not hear about such 
things--recently I told my store about a food problem, and they hadn't 
heard. Problems seem to just slide under the table until they try to reorder 
and discover that the company has stopped production because they've been 
shut down by the feds.

I'm so glad to have the eyes and ears of the Drool--I've avoided a lot of 
trouble because I had warnings from folks here.
Pam, food slave to the Dashing Bassets 

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