[Dailydrool] Brudder wif the lipper flaps goin

mapwinkel at aol.com mapwinkel at aol.com
Sun Sep 27 20:04:33 PDT 2009

Otey, me heard enuff.  Brudder Elwood, those lipper flaps be flappin al 
da times.  You talk about the womenz, you be worse.  Youze got more hot 
airz be a commin out dat biskeyhole than you claim Elder Clara has a 
comin out her rumpbone.  Da rodent got da last laugh, he be a comin 
back to have youze for da meal time, dat be good.  Though me tinks 
youze be tough and icky, jus like youze face!!  Now moves on to sumpen 
else, me tired of youze biggie biskeyhole blowin in da wind.  Me needs 
to tell Elder Clara to blows some winds youze way, shut youze right up. 
  Dis be Emma The Delicate Diva, me has gone too long wifout tellin 
youze what up.  Now, get youze sad old self into that cage and mabe you 
daddie take youze off down the road, gib Miss Clara some reliefs.

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