[Dailydrool] Pawtunia's not so good news....shirt guy died!!

bassetslave bassetslave at comcast.net
Wed Apr 7 05:21:37 PDT 2010

It is me. I gotta tell you that if you think I'm going woofcrackers, the 
slaves are doing their best and there have been a few roadblocks this 
year......but like I woofed, I'm going around em...but here's the big one. 
They have been waiting day by day for da shirts!! Just waiting on the 
printer to call and say they were ready so he slave can start 
shipping...But....the dad of the printing family DIED! It is a family 
business, not so sure on the embroidery being done by his wife....the son 
actually runs the place, there are a handful of others who work there....but 
this puts a hitch in da printing....

Please be patient, the design is bootiful, not to worry, they'll be done 
eventually, but there isn't anything us can do right now. Auntie Ellie 
offered to come back on Saturday and help. If they are done, he'll take her 
up on it....even Auntie's Pat and Carol offered to drive a nickzillion miles 
if need be, but they live on another planet about 7 hours away.

Cross paws.  Queen Olive, I know you are new, but I've heard your 
woof.....if you see a really big guy named Dave at intake, could you have 
him get them done???

PAWTUNIA...momcakes will be so mad. I gotta woof about Q Olive later but 
want to do a good job......momcakes would be mad if I didn't. 

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