[Dailydrool] Cookbook
Dawn Gardner
dawn at happyhoundpetservices.com
Mon Aug 9 18:50:40 PDT 2010
Dis willow, OEBE Mistress of Mayhem. My momswabe been tryin to waise moolah
fur day furkids in our counee. De sheter PTS dem affer onwy 72 owers! So
her groop heps people wif houndie food and vetman bills wen dey wooz der
jobs (not shur what udder jobs dey need udder den takin car ob houndies) so
dem houndies can stay at da home and not go to da bwidge preemo. priemutch.
2 soon! (Gibs a girl da chilz tinkin bout a kwik trip to da bwige!) Anywez,
dey wanna mak a cookiebookie for dogs and hoomins dat dey cun sell when dey
go and sit in da boofs at da fall fares.
But she habbin a tewible time getting enuf wecipes! Speciul for us houndies!
Yea, dis go to kitties too, dey be nice to ebberbody in dis groop. Anyhooz,
we wuz hopin dat de houndie fokes mite hab some wesipees for hoomans,
houndies, or eben kitties, dey cud share for da cookie bookie. We not askin
fur your monees. Jus yur wesipees.
So if youz hab wesipees youz willen ta share wif dem aminalses in Rockingham
County, Norf Cawowinda, PWEEZE go to da web site www.apsrc.org and look fur
da link to da wecipee form.
Fanks! Ebben if yous only hab kittie wesipees. We fank you for dose, 2.
Ebben if dey onwy for kitties. We mite twy dem anyhooz. We wikes kittee
noms, 2.
Willow, OEBE Mistress of Mayhem, and ruler of the lesser hounds (Benton,
Molly, Annie, CJ, Romeo, Penelope, and right now Katie, and Peaches)
PS from momma: the link is on the home page on the left hand side at the
top. There is a form you can fill out. The deadline is August 15, so please
if you have recipes you are willing to share we really need them!
Dawn Gardner
Behavioral Consultant & Trainer
Happy Hound Pet Services
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